
Chapter 9: Device Management
Trap Name Description
startCCManagement The device has been put under CommandCenter
stopCCManagement The device has been removed from
CommandCenter Management.
userAdded A user has been added to the system.
userAuthenticationFailure A user attempted to log in without a correct
username and/or password.
userConnectionLost A user with an active session has experienced an
abnormal session termination.
userDeleted A user account has been deleted.
userLogin A user has successfully logged into the Dominion
KX II and has been authenticated.
userLogout A user has successfully logged out of the
Dominion KX II properly.
userModified A user account has been modified.
userPasswordChanged This event is triggered if the password of any user
of the device is modified.
userSessionTimeout A user with an active session has experienced a
session termination due to timeout.
vmImageConnected User attempted to mount either a device or image
on the target using Virtual Media. For every
attempt on device/image mapping (mounting)
this event is generated.
vmImageDisconnected User attempted to unmount a device or image on
the target using Virtual Media.