General Questions
Question Answer
How do I migrate from
the Dominion KX I to
Dominion KX II?
In general, KX I customers can continue to use their existing switches
for many years. As their data centers expand, customers can purchase
and use the new KX II models. Raritan's centralized management
appliance, CommandCenter Secure Gateway, and the Multi-Platform
Client (MPC) both support KX I and KX II switches seamlessly.
Will my existing KX I
CIMs work with the
Dominion KX II switch?
Yes, existing KX I CIMs will work with the Dominion KX II switch. In
addition, select Paragon CIMs will work with the KX II. This provides
an easy migration to KX II from Paragon I customers who wish to
switch to KVM-over-IP.
Can the Dominion KX II
be rack mounted?
Yes. The Dominion KX II ships standard with 19" rack mount brackets.
It can also be reverse rack mounted so the server ports face forward.
How large is the
Dominion KX II?
Dominion KX II is only 1U high (except KX2-464, which is 2U), fits in a
standard 19" rack mount, and is only 11.4" (29 cm) deep.