
Appendix D: FAQs
Question Answer
I am logged into the
Dominion KX II using
Firefox, and I opened
another Firefox browser.
I am automatically
logged into the same
Dominion KX II with the
second Firefox browser.
Is this right?
Yes, this is correct behavior and is the direct result of how browsers
and cookies function.
I am logged into the
Dominion KX II using
Firefox and I attempt to
log into another
Dominion KX II using
another Firefox browser
session from the same
client. I am logged out of
both KX IIs; is this
correct behavior?
Yes, to access two different Dominion KX II devices, either close the
first session, or use another client PC.
When I'm running a
KVM session using
Firefox as my browser,
and certain dialogs are
opened in the Virtual
KVM Client (e.g.,
Connection Properties,
Video Settings), it seems
to block the Firefox
browser (even other
Firefox sessions). What
can I do?
This is normal behavior; with Firefox, all sessions are associated. Once
you close the Virtual KVM Client dialog, Firefox will no longer be