Appendix: Using the ST7001+ With Non-150/400 Autopilots 109
Counter rudder
Counter rudder is the amount of rudder the autopilot applies to try to
prevent the boat from yawing off course. Higher counter rudder
settings result in more rudder being applied. You should set the
default counter rudder when commissioning the autopilot
(see page 72).
Align rudder
Use this screen to center the rudder bar display after installing the
autopilot system.
Rudder limit
Use the rudder limit screen to set the limits of autopilot rudder control
just inside the mechanical end stops. This will avoid putting the
steering system under unnecessary load. You should adjust this when
commissioning the autopilot (see page 61).
Turn rate limit
This limits your boat’s rate of turn under autopilot control.
Cruise speed
Set the cruise speed to the boat’s typical cruising speed. If both the
boat’s speed through the water and speed over ground are unavailable
via SeaTalk or NMEA, the autopilot will use this default cruise speed
when computing course changes.
Screen text Range
COUNT RUD 1 to 9
Screen text Range
ALIGN RUDDER -7° to +7° in 1° steps
Screen text Range
RUDDER LIMIT 15° to 30° in 1° steps
Screen text Range
TURN RATE 5° to 20° per second in 1° steps
Screen text Range
CRUISE SP 4 to 60 knots