
Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings 85
7 Adjusting Autopilot Settings
Setting up an instrument group
1. At the ST7001+:
select the
INST REM data page to group standard instruments
select the
data page to group Maxiview instruments
2. At the ST7001+, use the arrow keys to select an instrument.
Note: The currently-selected instrument is indicated as follows:
on ST80 instruments (including Maxiview), the characters are
displayed as white characters on a black background (instead of
the standard black on white)
on ST60 digital instruments, you will see a
REMOTE message
on ST60 analogue instruments, you will see the
TRUE/MAG and/or
TRUE/APP message flashing
3. Press both the up and down arrow keys on the ST7001+ for
4 seconds, to put the instruments and the ST7001+ into
Group Setup mode.
When you enter Group Setup mode:
one instrument will be selected with a flashing cursor (and
inverse characters on ST80 instruments, including Maxiview)
the ST7001+ screen text will alternate between:
INST REM and DSP SETUP for standard instruments
MAXI REM and DSP SETUP for Maxiview instruments
4. At the ST7001+, use the up or down arrow key to select an
instrument to be the first in the group, i.e. so the required
instrument shows it has been selected (as described above).
5. Use the ST7001+ to allocate a group letter and sequence number
to the selected instrument. To do this:
Standard instruments: use the
track key to toggle between
group letter and sequence number, and the
set crs key to set
the identifying character.
Standard instruments: group setup mode
Selected instrument