Chapter 2: Basic Operation 7
2 Basic Operation
Changing course in Auto mode
In Auto mode, use the -1 and -10 (port) and +1 and +10 (starboard)
keys to change the locked heading in steps of 1° or 10°. For example:
-10 three times for a 30° course change to port.
Adjusting performance – Type 150G/400G
The main way you can adjust the performance of Type 150G/400G
(GyroPlus) autopilot systems is by changing the response level. This
is the only user adjustment you should need to make to the autopilot
on a regular basis.
The response level controls the relationship between the autopilot’s
course keeping accuracy and the amount of helm/drive activity.
Type 150G and 400G autopilot systems have 9 levels of response:
• level 1 gives the least pilot activity to conserve power, but may
compromise short-term course-keeping accuracy
• levels 4 to 6 should give good course keeping under normal
operating conditions – with crisp, well controlled turns but
without being over-aggressive
• level 9 gives the tightest course keeping and greatest rudder
activity, but may lead to a rough passage in open waters as the
autopilot may ‘fight’ the sea
When you require extra tight course keeping (e.g. for pilotage in
confined and sheltered waters), increase the setting. If you want to
minimize drive activity and conserve battery power, decrease
the setting.
Port Starboard