Important information 3
Conventions used
In this manual the following conventions will be used:
• RayTech refers to RayTech V6.0.
• The names of keyboard keys are printed in boldface, such as Enter.
Italics are used to show names, such as
Open Chart,
or softkeys such as
• Instructions using menu options are written as menu option/submenu
option. For example, the instructions might read ‘Select File/ Layers’.
This means go to the File menu on the drop-down menus and select it. A
submenu will appear that contains the Layers option for you to select.
• ‘Click’ refers to clicking the mouse button. Unless otherwise stated, it refers
to the left mouse button once.
• ‘Right click’ refers to clicking the right mouse button once.
• ‘Double click’ means to click the left mouse button twice quickly.
Product use
You may not use this product unless you agree to the terms and conditions of
the license agreement.
In accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to be bound by the terms of
the license agreement and to release and hold Raymarine harmless from and
against any and all claims, obligations and liabilities with respect to the
product, except those specifically reserved in the license agreement.
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the license agreement, you
may return the program within thirty (30) days of the date of purchase by
following the instructions contained within the license agreement.
System integration
RayTech V6.0 has been designed to work transparently with Raymarine SeaTalk
data communications package, or any other device that outputs data in
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 format. These protocols
allow information such as heading, wind speed and direction, sea temperature
and other information to be accessed and displayed within RayTech.
Information generated by RayTech can also be displayed on your boat’s
standard on-board instruments.
If you intend to run RayTech on a laptop computer as part of an integrated
system you should read “Installation Guidelines” on page 163 to ensure
correct connectivity into the system.
Technical accuracy
The technical information contained within this manual, to the best of our
knowledge, was correct at the time of printing. However, Raymarine cannot
accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain.
In addition Raymarine’s policy of continuous product improvement may
change specifications without notice. As a result Raymarine cannot accept
liability for any differences between the product and the manual.
Under copyright laws use of this manual is intended for the original licensee.
No portion of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the
licensee’s use, without the express written permission of Raymarine, and
provided in the licensing agreement between you and Raymarine.
4 RayTech RNS V6.0 - Users Guide