Next leg Advances to the next leg of the active route Route details Displays the route details dialog box for the
active route
Previous leg ReTurns to the previous leg of the active
Manage routes Displays the Manage routes dialog box
Choose Route Displays the Route dialog box Reverse Active Route Reverses the active route
Edit Route Displays the Choose route to edit dialog box
Tools menu
Command Action Command Action
Find vessel Centers and displays your boat on the
active chart
Other vessel tracking Displays Other vessel tracking dialog box
Range In Zooms in the active chart, radar, sonar or
Compute Optimum route Calculates and displays the optimal route to
your destination
Range Out Zooms out the active chart, radar, sonar or
3D page
Select Tide station Displays the Tide station dialog box
Databoxes Displays the databox dialog box Cache C-Map cartography Displays the Cache C-Map cartography
dialog box
Radar Displays the radar dialog box Pre-start Sets starting gun countdown timer
Route menu
Command Action Command Action
186 RayTech RNS V6.0 - Users Guide
View menu
Sonar Displays the sonar dialog box Data Trak Graphs live instrument data
Set New Ruler Sets the cursor to draw a new ruler Applications Enables you to open Polars, Engine Panel
and Navigation numbers
Clear Rulers Clears all rulers from the screen
info Displays the hsb
information dialog box
GPS Status Displays the GPS status dialog box
Tools menu
Command Action Command Action
Command Action Command Action
Customize Displays toolbar customize dialog box Tides/Currents toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar
Function bar Displays or hides the function bar 3D toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar
Tabs Displays or hides page selection tabs Fishing toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar
Standard toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar Yacht racing toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar
Waypoints and Routes Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar Pre-start toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar
Pathfinder panel Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar Weather toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar
Charting toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar Menu toolbar Displays or hides the corresponding toolbar