Installation Guidelines 173
Detailed connection of the 9-pin cable, Raymarine Part No. E 86001, and
the SeaTalk system using the RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface, Rayma-
rine Part No. E85001 is detailed in the following section.
RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface:
The RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA interface converts the SeaTalk data format
into RS-232 signals and vice versa. When configuring your instrument
connections within RayTech, the COM port to which SeaTalk is connected
must be set to -
Raymarine Direct SeaTalk.
The connections are shown in
RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA interface box
page 172
and are listed
• 9-pin cable - Part No.E86001
1. Yellow
2. Black
• Cable to SeaTalk system
3. Red (+V)
4. Screen (0 V)
5. Yellow (Data)
• 9-pin cable - Part No. E86001
6. Black
7. Green
Mounting the interface box
To mount your SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface box, select a suitable location
that is:
• away from direct contact with water.
• clean and grease-free.
• easily accessible for cabling.
• reasonably well protected from physical damage.
To mount the interface box:
1. Once you have found a suitable location, thoroughly clean the surface with
an alcohol based cleaner.
2. Remove the protective backing from the SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface box
and firmly press on to the mounting surface.
3. Alternatively the interface box may be attached using the two self-tapping
screws provided.
4. Remove the top of the interface box by gently squeezing the lid at each end,
and pulling it away from the base.
5. Route all the necessary cables into the interface box.
6. Connect the wires as shown in the illustration above.
7. Secure the cables close to the interface box.
8. Replace the top of the box.
174 RayTech RNS V6.0 - Users Guide
RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface box
If, after connecting your interface box, you have any problems interfacing
RayTech with your PC the following check list may help cure the problem:
Connecting NMEA directly to Raymarine Path-
finder displays:
Symptom Cause Action
LED unlit
RayTech has not
with the interface
Verify that the recommended serial to
USB adapter has been used.
Run the Automatic instrument detec-
tion feature.
SeaTalk LED
Not connected to
other SeaTalk
Check the connections between the
interface box and other SeaTalk
1.Not connected
to PC
2.RayTech appli-
cation not
3.RS-232 port not
assigned to
Check the connections between the
interface box and your PC
Ensure your PC is functioning correctly
and RayTech is running. Command a
to initiate transmission
from RayTech.
Ensure instrument settings within
RayTech are assigned to the correct
RS-232 port.
Symptom Cause Action