Screen code and description, in sequence of appearance See page
FM PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION - Model, type, and version 17
SE SENSORS - Displays temperature of each standard sensor 17
OS OPTIONAL SENSORS - Displays other sensors 17
RT RELAY TEST - On/Off relay status and manual override 17
ST SENSOR TEST - Simulates sensor temperatures 23
RM RUN TIME METERS - Total on-time for each heater or stage
DL DETAIL LOG - Shows history values for seven days
TL TREND LOG - Shows history values for one year
CK CLOCK - Display and set time and date 17
TS TIME SCHEDULE - Seven day, 20 schedule, time clock 19
ER ERASE/RESET - Selective clear or restart 18
MC MODEM TEST - Terminate call or test modem or fax 28
PD PERFORMANCE DATA - Savings Analysis 24
DN TEXT - Company Name 26
PN TEXT - Property Name 26
SL TEXT - Site Location 26
FN TEXT - Disk File Name 26
MS TEXT - Modem Setup 26
SH TEXT - Modem Disconnect 26
AD TEXT - Pager Dial-Out 26
FD TEXT - Fax Dial-Out 27
PW TEXT - Security Password 18
PM TEXT - Front Panel Menu 18
RL TEXT - Relay Logic (1-12) 23
T1 SELECT - Supply Sensor Offset 25
T8 Not used for this model
C0 SELECT - Maximum Supply Temperature 19
C1 SELECT - Minimum Supply Temperature 19
C2 SELECT - Outside Temperature for Maximum Supply 19
C3 SELECT - Outside Temperature for Minimum Supply 19
C4 SELECT - Night Setback at Maximum Supply 19
C5 SELECT - Night Setback at Minimum Supply 19
C6 SELECT - Morning Boost at Maximum Supply 20
C7 SELECT - Morning Boost at Minimum Supply 20
Screen codes in Boldface are described in detail on the pages listed.