
S1 SELECT - Day of Month for Savings Test
Selecting a value other than 0 (default) acti-
vates the flip-flop savings test. This test will cause a simulation of conditions before the RayTemp
was installed - for 24 hours on the day specified every month. The test will run only on the day
of month selected AND on multiples of that day. Examples: Values 16 thru 28 will run test for that
day only. Value 14 will run test on day 14 and 28. Value 5 will run test on day 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
and 30. One day of testing may not yield accurate results, while four or more days of testing will
significantly cut into savings. The recommended value is 14 (2 test days).
S2 SELECT - Old (Maximum) Supply Temperature Enter the supply temperature prior to
installing the RayTemp if you wish to use the Acclimate feature or Savings Test feature (above). If
the preexisting control operated at a fixed temperature enter that value here and also in the next
From this screen press F4 or F5 to view savings analysis statistics
as described below:
Average Energy Savings % Displays the average energy savings in percent during the last 365
days. This can be used to determine actual dollars savings and payback period. This feature will
not operate unless a day of month for savings test is selected. A flip-flop test then is activated
which alternates between RayTemp mode and baseline mode (which has higher energy con-
Baseline Heater Run Time % Displays average heater demand during Baseline mode for the last
365 days (simulating a fixed setpoint control). This is diagnostic information used in calculating
RayTemp Heater Run Time % Displays average heater demand for all heating days except base-
line days during the last 365 days. This is diagnostic information used in calculating savings.
Days in Baseline Mode Shows the number of days during the last year that RayTemp was in base-
line mode - simulating the preexisting fixed setpoint control.
Days in RayTemp Mode Shows the number of days during the last 365 days when there was
demand for heat and baseline mode was not in effect.