
Parallel SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. A 119
If the Task Management Flags field is a supported value not equal to 00h, the target shall perform the selected
task management function before processing any further SPI information units regardless of the command
type. On completion of a support task management function, the target shall go to a BUS FREE phase. No SPI
status information unit shall be reported for the task management function. If the Task Management Flags field
is not a supported value, then the task manager shall terminate the task with a Good status and the packetized
failure code shall be set to task management function not supported. If a task management function fails, the
task manager shall terminate the task with a Good status. The packetized failure code shall be set to task man
agement function failed.
If the target terminates a SPI L_Q/SPI command information unit pair for one of the following reasons:
a. Task Set Full status,
b. Busy status,
c. Check Condition due to a SPI command information unit iuCRC error, or
d. a bus free due to a SPI L_Q information unit iuCRC error,
it shall have no effect on any other SPI L_Q/SPI command information unit pair beyond those caused by any
task management functions contained within the last SPI L_Q/SPI command information unit pair.
Table 46: SPI command information unit
[1] The Task Attribute field is defined in Table 47.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved
1 Reserved Task Attribute [1] [7]
2 Task Management Flags [2] [7]
ADDITIONAL CDB LENGTH = (number of additional CDB bytes)/4 [3]
4 (MSB)
CDB [5] [7] [8]
19 (LSB)
20 (MSB)
Additional CDB [6] [7] [8]
n (LSB)
n+1 (MSB)
iuCRC [9]
n+4 (LSB)