
Parallel SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. A 153
Table 65: Exception commands for background self-tests
a. Device types not listed in this table do not have commands that are exceptions for background self-
tests, other than those listed above for all device types.
b. See Seagate SCSI Command Reference Manual, Part number 100293068.
If one of the exception commands listed in Table 65 is received, the device server shall abort the self-test,
update the self-test log, and service the command as soon as possible but not longer than two seconds after
the command descriptor block has been validated.
Note. An application client may terminate a self-test that is being performed in the background mode by issu-
ing a SEND DIAGNOSTICs command with the Self-Test Code field set to 100b (Abort background
self-test function). Elements common to foreground and background self-test modes
The Progress Indication field returned in response to a REQUEST SENSE command (see Seagate SCSI
Command Reference Manual, Part number 100293068) may be used by the application client at any time dur
ing execution of a self-test to poll the logical unit’s progress. While executing a self-test unless an error has
occurred, a device server shall respond to a REQUEST SENSE command by returning a sense key of Not
Ready and an additional sense code of Logical Unit Not Ready, Self-Test In Progress with the sense key spe
cific bytes set for progress indication.
The application client may obtain information about the twenty most recently completed self-tests by reading
the Self-test results log page (see Seagate SCSI Command Reference Manual, Part number 100293068). This
is the only method for an application client to obtain information about self-tests performed in the background
Table 66 summarizes when a logical unit returns status after receipt of a self-test command, how an application
client may abort a self-test, how a logical unit handles new commands that are received while a self-test is in
progress, and how a logical unit reports a self-test failure.
Device type [a] Command Reference
All device types
SEND DIAGNOSTICs (with Self-Test Code field set to 100b)
WRITE BUFFER (with the mode set to any download microcode option
Direct access
START/STOP UNIT (stop only)