
Parallel SCSI Interface Product Manual, Rev. A 163
disconnect privilege 148
domain 5, 9
task state 5
double transition 6
DP-1 signals 34
drive select 17
driver 6
driver precompensation 36
DT Data In 5
DT Data In phase 5, 38
DT Data Out 5
DT Data Out phase 38
DT Data phase 7, 38
DT DATA phases 37
DT Data phases 31, 34
DT timing values 23, 24
duplicate tag 143
dynamically changing transmission modes 15
electrical description 12
task state 6
enabled state 4
encapsulate 8
ended command 6
error 142
non-recoverable 9
error and exception condition 131
error detecting code 5
error detection 157
Error detection capabilities 82
asynchronous 10
reset 9
exception condition 6, 142
expected 11
expected bus free phase 52
extended self-test 151
external calling interface 8
fairness 59
Fast-10 21, 24, 43
Fast-160 21, 24, 43, 69
Fast-20 21, 24, 43
Fast-40 21, 24, 34, 43
Fast-5 43
Fast-80 21, 24, 34, 43
faulted initiator 6
faulted task 142
fibre channel protocol 131
maximum-value 149
minimum-value 149
reserved 131
flow control receive hold time 28
flow control receive setup time 28
flow control transmit hold time 28
foreground mode 152
function complete 6
glossary 4
good status 138
hard reset 6
hard reset condition 138
head of queue message 104
head of task queue tag message 148
host adapter 14
hot plug 158
I T L nexus 7
I T L Q nexus 7
I T nexus 7
I/O operation 7
I/O operation, discrete 7
I/O process 7, 8
I/O signal 29
I/O system 5, 9
I/O. see also Input/Output
I_T nexus 7
I_T_L_Q nexus 7
Identify message format 87
identify message 87, 131
ignore wide residue message 88
illegal request 131, 137
illegal request sense key 149
implementation 6
option 6
implementation-specific 6
in transit 6
incorrect initiator connection 150
incorrect logical unit selection 144
indication 6
media 7
suspended 10
information phase 23, 24
information phase DT timing values 21
information phase ST timing values 21
information unit agreement 83