No Type/Description
037 24hr cct Omitted
Activates when one or more 24 Hour circuits
are omitted.
038 Sounder Control
Normally used as the 0V connection for an
extension loudspeaker so that only system
alarm tones are generated.
039 Call Engineer
Activates when the system requires an
"Engineer Reset", deactivates when the
system is reset by the engineer or "Remote
040 General Fault
Activates during battery fault or when the
sys tem is p revent ed fro m bein g set.
Deactivates when all faults are cleared.
041 Battery Test
Activates for 1 minute on the hour every hour.
This output is used to test the battery in remote
PSU using a 519FM monitor PCB).
042 Fob Active
Activates when the 525r remote setting device
is used.
043 System Full Set
Activates when all areas within the system are
set and deactivates when any area is unset.
100 - 137 Circuit Mimic
Will mimic (active when circuit is active) circuits
01 to 38 respectively.
200 - 237 Circuit Alarms
Active when a circuit causes an alarm, for
circuits 01 to 38 respectively.
Program Circuits [1.4]
The TS690R can monitor up to 38 detection
circuits. Each circuit must be programmed in
order for the system to respond correctly.
Circuit Types
The circuit type defines how the circuit will respond
when it is triggered. The following circuit types are
0 Not Used
A circuit that will never generate any alarm.
1 Night
A circuit that will generate a full alarm when the
system is set.
2 24hr
A circuit which is monitored at all times. When
triggered in the unset condition a local alarm is
generated and when triggered in the set
condition a full alarm is generated.
3 PA Silent
A circuit which is monitored at all times. When
triggered it will activate any outputs that are
programmed as P.A.
4 PA Audible
A circuit which is monitored at all times. When
triggered it will activate any outputs that are
programmed as P.A. and generate a full
alarm condition.
5 Fire
A circuit that is normally connected to a smoke
detector. When triggered it will generate a fire
tone on the internal sounders, the external
sounders are pulsed for the bell duration and
any outputs programmed as fire will be
6 Auxiliary
A circuit which is monitored at all times. When
tr iggere d i t w ill a ctiva te an y o utput s
programmed as Auxiliary.
7 Final Exit
This must be the first detector or door contact
that is triggered when entering the protected
area. When the setting mode for the system is
programmed for Final Exit setting, opening
and closing of this circuit during the exit
procedure will cause the system to set. Once
set, activation of this circuit will start the entry
Engineer’s Menu 1 TS690R Installation Manual