StoppingtheTiller andEngine
1. Tostop the wheelsand tines, releasethe
Forward Clutchlevers or the Reverse
Clutch Control (whichever is engaged).
2. Tostop the engine, move the Engine
Throttle Lever to STOR
3. Ifthe engineis equippedwith a fuel shut-
off valve,closethe valveas instructed inthe
EngineOwner's Manual.
_k WARNING: Before
changing belt speeds,stop
engine,wait for all parts to stop
moving, let engine cooland
disconnect spark plug wire.
Failureto follow these
instructions could result in
personal injury.
ChangingBelt RangeSpeeds
Thetiller hastwo forward belt rangespeeds
for the wheelsandtines: Low andHigh.The
two rangesare obtained by moving the for-
ward drive belt betweentwo sets of
grooves ontheforward drivepulley andthe
transmission drive pulley.
NOTE:The High speed beltrange is recom-
mended for all tilling purposes. The Low
speed belt rangewill operate the tines and
wheels ata slower forward speed,which
may be suitable in some conditions (such
as tilling in very hard ground).
ToChangefrom Lowto HighSpeed:
1. Stopthe engine,allow it to cool, and dis-
connect the spark plug wire.
2. Movethe Wheel GearLever into the DIS-
3. Removethe two nuts from the plastic
belt cover on top of thetransmission and
removethe belt cover.
4. From beneaththe tiller, movethe for-
ward drive belt out ofthe transmission low
speed groove (B,Figure 4-10) and into the
high speedgroove (D).
5. Pull upwardon the belt to removeany
slack and slip the belt out of the engine
drive pulley low speed groove (A, Figure4-
10) and into the high speedgroove (C).
NOTE:If thebelt is difficult to move,pull on
the enginestart rope whilepushing the belt
with your finger (engine drive pulleywill
turn as start rope is pulled).
6. Checkthatthe belt iswithinthe forward
beltguide (E,Figures4-10 and 4-11) on the
right-side of the unit and is within the for-
ward idler (F,Figure4-11) on the left-side.
Besure that the beltis situated in thecenter
grooves (C and D,Figure4-10) of the en-
gine (upper) and transmission (lower) pul-
7. Reinstallthe plastic beltcover andse-
cure it with thetwo nuts.
8. Put Wheel GearLeverin ENGAGEand re-
connect spark plug wire before attempting
to start the engine.
ToChangefrom HightoLowSpeed:
1. Stop the engine,allow it to cool, and dis-
connect the spark plug wire.
2. Put Wheel GearLever in DISENGAGE.
3. Removethetwo nuts from the plastic
belt cover on top of the transmission and
removethe belt cover.
4. From beneaththe tiller, move the for-
ward drive belt out of the transmission pul-
ley high speedgroove (D,Figure 4-10) and
into the low speed groove (B).
5. Pull upwardon the belt to removeany
slack and slip the belt out of the engine
drive pulley highspeed groove (C,Figure4-
1O)and into the low speed groove (A).
NOTE:Ifthe belt is difficult to move, pull on
the enginestart rope whilepushing the belt
with your finger (enginedrive pulley will
turn as start rope is pulled).
6. Checkthat thebelt is within theforward
belt guide (E,Figures4-10 and4-11) onthe
right-side of the unit and is within the for-
ward idler (F,Figure4-11) on the left-side.
Besure that the belt is situated in the rear
grooves (A and B, Figure4-10) of the en-
gine (upper) and transmission (lower) pul-
7. Reinstallthe plastic beltcover andse-
cure it with thetwo nuts.
8. Put the Wheel GearLever in ENGAGE
and reconnect the spark plug wire before
attempting to start the engine.
,c l
(Low) (High)
(Low) (High)
Figure4-11: Topviewofforwarddrivepulley
system(engineis atleft-sideof view).