WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnectspark plug wire and move wire awayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
3. Slip the forward drive belt down and
over the front of the transmission pulley
(C, Figure5-16). NOTE:For additional
working room, loosenthe reversebelt
guide (V,Figure 5-12) and twist it out of
the way.
4. Put the lower half of the belt into the
High speedgroove (middle groove) or the
Low speed groove (rearmost groove) of
the transmission pulley (C, Figure5-16).
5. Putthe upper half ofthe belt in the High
speedgroove (groove closestto engine)or
the Low speedgroove (rearmostgroove)
of the engineforward drive pulley (D, Fig-
ure 5-16).
IMPORTANT: Makesure that the forward
drive belt isto the inside of the wire belt
guide (I, Figure5-12) andthe forward idler
pulley (J).
6. Ifyou loosenedthe beltguide, wait until
the reversedrive belt is installed beforese-
curing the belt guide.
7. install the reversedrive belt.
8. Install the belt cover and secure it with
the two nuts.
9. Ifyou installeda newbelt,check the ten-
sion after two hours of operation
Reverse Drive Belt Removal
and Installation
NOTE:The forward drive belt must be in-
stalled before installing the reversedrive
A. RemovingtheReverseDriveBelt:
1. Stop the engine and allow it to cool be-
fore working nearthe belts. Besure the
spark plug wire is disconnectedand on
electric start models the ignition key is re-
2. Removethe belt cover by removing the
two nuts. For easier accessto the trans-
mission (lower) pulley,remove thetrans-
mission cover located belowthe trans-
mission pulley.
3. Slip the reverse beltoff the engine re-
versepulley (A, Figure5-18). If necessary,
work the belt off the pulley with your left
handwhile pulling the enginerecoilstarter
ropewith your right hand.
4. Push the upper half of the reverse belt
downward to createslack inthe belt. Then
reachunderneath the transmission and
slip the belt off the front of the transmis-
sion pulley (B, Figure 5-18).
5. Pull the belt up and pastthe engine re-
verse pulley (A,Figure 5-18).
B.Installingthe ReverseDriveBelt:
1. Slip the reverse beltdown betweenthe
engine reversepulley (A,Figure5-1B)and
the engineforward drivepulley (O).
2. Loopthe bottom halfof the belt overthe
front of the transmission pulley (B, Figure
5-18) and seatthe belt in the front groove
of the pulley.
3. Placethe belt to the inside ofthe reverse
idler pulley (D, Figure5-18) and the re-
versebelt guide (V,Figure5-12). Then slip
the upperend intothe groove ofthe engine
reversepulley (A, Figure 5-18).
4. If the reversebeltguide (V,Figure5-12)
was loosenedpreviously, center the belt
guide onthe beltandtighten the mounting
screw securely.
5. Install the belt cover and secure it with
the two nuts. If the lowertransmission
cover was removed, reinstall it with the
four self-tapping screws.