WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnectspark plug wire and move wire awayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
A. ToCheckTransmission
1. Checkthe gear oil level when the trans-
mission is cool. Gearoil expands in warm
operating temperatures and will result in
an incorrect oil level reading.
2. Tocheckthe gear oil level (andto add
oil, if necessary), refer to STEP5."Check
GearOilLevel in Transmissionin Section2
of this manual.
D.To DrainandRefilltheTransmission:
Thetransmission gear oil doesnot needto
be changedunless it hasbeencontaminat-
ed with dirt, sand or metal particles.
1. Propupthe left sideofthe unit securely.
Removethe left-sidewheel by removing
the wheel mounting hardware.
2. Unscrewthe plastic gear oil fill plug
from the top ofthe transmission
3. Placea clean pan belowthe transmis-
sion drain plug (Figure5-4) and remove
the drain plug. Theoil will startflowing out
of the drain hole (it may flow slowly, espe-
cially in cold temperatures).
Figure 5-4: Remove drainplug to draintrans-
missiongear oil(also remove oil fill plug and
oil level checkplug).
4. Removethe transmission gear oil level
check plug that is locateda few inches
abovethe left-side wheelshaft (N, Figure
5. When the oil stops flowing, tilt the
transmission forward to drain oil from the
rear of the transmission.
6. After draining the oil, clean the threads
of the drain plug, apply a non-hardening,
removablegasket sealantto the threads,
and securelyreinstall the drain plug.
7. Usea clean funnel to slowly add SAE
140 or SAE85W-140 weight gearoil (with
an API rating of GL-4 only) to the trans-
mission. Thetransmission holds approxi-
mately 3-1/4 pints (52-54 ounces).Tilt the
tiller slightly backwardsto make surethe
gear oil reachesthe rear (tine) end of the
transmission. Stop adding gearoil when it
begins to flow from the oil levelcheck hole
on the side of the
8. Securely reinstallthe oil level check
9. Securelyreinstallthe gearoil fill plug on
top of the transmission.
10. Reinstall the wheel and removethe
EngineOil Service
Checkthe motor oil level before starting
the engineeachday andafter each5 hours
of continuous operation. Runningthe en-
gine whenthe oil level is low will quickly
ruin the engine.
It is recommendedthat you changethe
motor oil after every 10hours of operation
and evensooner when operating in ex-
tremely dirty or dusty conditions.
A.To Checkthe Motor0il Level:
1. Move thetiller to a level areaand stop
the engine.
2. Levelthe engine by moving the Depth
Regulator Leverinto the second notch
from the top.
3. Cleanthe areaaroundthe oil dipstick or
oil fill tube (whicheverapplies) to prevent
dirt from falling into the crankcase.
4. Onengines with an oil fill tube, remove
the filler cap andadd oil (if required) until
it reachesthe top of thetube. Reinstallthe
filler cap.
5. Onengines with a dipstick, removeit,
wipe it clean, and reinstall it finger4ight.
Removethe dipstick again and checkthe
reading. Add oil (if required) to bring the
level to the FULLmark. Do not overfill.
B. ToChangetheMotor Oil:
Changethe motor oil as instructed in the
separateEngineOwner's Manual.
Air CleanerService
The engineair cleaner filters dirt and dust
out of the air beforeit entersthe carbure-
tor. Operatingthe enginewith a dirty,
clogged air filter can causepoor perfor-
manceand damageto the engine. Never
operatethe engine without the air cleaner
installed. Inspect andservicethe air clean-
er more often if operating in very dusty or
dirty conditions.
Servicethe air cleaneras instructed in the
separateEngineOwner's Manual.
inspectand cleanor replacethe spark plug
after every 100 operating hours or annual-
ly. Cleanthe plug and set the gap as de-
scribed in the separateEngineOwner's
In some areas,local law requires using re-
sistor spark plugsto suppress ignition sig-
nals. If the enginewas originally equipped
with a resistor spark plug, use the same
type for replacement.
SparkArrester Screen Service
If the engine muffler is equipped with a
spark arresterscreen, removeand cleanit
accordingto the time intervals and instruc-
tions in the separateEngineOwner's Man-
The enginemust be kept cleanto assure
smooth operation and to preventdamage
from overheating. Referto the separate
EngineOwner's Manualfor specific repair
and cleaninginstructions. All inspections
andservices must bedonewith the engine
shut off and coolto thetouch.