Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Network Programming
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 11-15
The Network Command configuration provides some parameters involved in the sending
and receiving of commands to/from other devices on the network.
When F3200 issues a command, it may take some time for the message to be sent on the
network, processed by the receiver, and the response sent back. The length of time the
F3200 will wait for the response is defined as the 'ACK time' (Net Command Acknowledge
Delay Time). A device that is processing a command that cannot be replied to immediately
will send a "response pending" message at a rate defined by the 'Work time'. This message
indicates to the sender of the command that the command is still being processed, and the
required response cannot yet be given. An F3200 receiving the response pending message
will extend the time that it waits for the required response.
1. ACK time : (1-250 seconds)
Net Command ACK Delay Time. Length of time the F3200 will wait for a response before
displaying an error message.
2. Work time : (1-250 seconds)
Command Work TX Time. If a message cannot be sent immediately a "response pending"
message is sent at a rate determined by this. Work time should be less then ACK time.
3. RX Time/Date : (Yes/No)
If enabled, this allows this panel to process a "new time/date" command received from the
network and to set its clock time/date from the time/date in the received message. If
disabled, this panel will ignore new time/date command messages received. See also "TX
time/date" below.
For V2.07 or earlier software, the time and date received from another SID will be processed
only if the SID appears in the SID list of this panel and has the “Rx commands” option
enabled . V2.08 or later software do not require this.
4. TX Time/Date : (Yes/No)
If enabled, this panel will transmit (broadcast) a "new time/date" command onto the network
at the following times.
1. When the local time/date is set manually from the keypad.
2. At 12 pm and 12 am every day.
3. Whenever the local time is changed due to daylight saving.
4. Whenever this panel receives a message indicating that another panel has just
powered up.
In all cases the time/date is broadcast onto the network and will therefore be received by all
devices on the network, but whether each device uses the command to set its local
time/date depends on the device type (i.e. F3200, F4000, PTM etc) and its programming.
It is preferable, but not essential, that only one panel on the network (or network segment) is
configured to transmit time/date. F3200 panels and NDUs with a MAF board maintain their
local time very accurately (using 50 hz mains frequency), but an NDU without a MAF board
has a less accurate local time clock and, if possible, should not be configured to transmit
time/date onto the network.