F3200 Installation & Programming Manual Document No: LT0122
Page 6-24 5 July 2001 Issue 2.7
FFCIF options
The parameters which can be programmed to configure the FFCIF operation are:
FFCIF type
The default type of FFCIF operation is, 3 where an alarm is automatically displayed on the
LCD and alarms must be individually acknowledged. Where LED displays are fitted for each
zone and the automatic display with individual acknowledgement is not required, type 2 may
alternatively be selected. This is described in Section 5.10 of the Operator's Manual.
Selecting this option forces the FFCIF queue to accept MAF zones only.
FFCIF zones
The FFCIF operation as described in the Operator's Manual Chapter 5 is Type 3 and
normally only puts zones which are mapped to the MAF into the FFCIF queue. Alternatively,
the FFCIF queue can be programmed to accept all zones, or no zones (disabled).
of an alternative follows:
Assume an owner has two buildings, each with its own Brigade connected FIP. It is required
that any alarm on one FIP must show as a single alarm on the other, but this repeat
indication must not initiate a second alarm call to the Brigade.
The zone on each FIP which indicates alarm for the other FIP cannot be mapped to the MAF
(and probably Bells or Anc1, Anc2) so that it will not call the Brigade.
To make the alarm sound the buzzer, be displayed in the FFCIF, etc, the FFCIF should be
programmed as "All Zones" rather than "MAF Only". This assumes that there are no other
non-MAF mapped zones for which alarms are not to be displayed in the FFCIF).
FFCIF RDU remote ack
If enabled this allows FFCIF alarms to be acknowledged by RZDUs. If disabled,
acknowledgement commands from RZDU devices will not be accepted but reset and isolate
commands from RZDU devices will still be accepted. For network systems refer also to
Section 11.7.
FFCIF auto ack.
If enabled, all alarms entered into the local FFCIF alarm list will be flagged as
"acknowledged" automatically. This does not result in the alarm being acknowledged at any
RZDUs or, for network systems at other network devices.
Bells on for FFCIF Alarm
If enabled, the bells will be activated whenever there is any entry in the local FFCIF alarm
queue. This can be used, for example, to activate the bells if an alarm is received from
another networked panel. Regardless of whether this option is enabled or disabled, the bells
are still activated if any local zone mapped to the bells is in alarm.
FFCIF Display cause by default
As standard, the first line of the F3200 FFCIF Alarm display shows:
Alarm Time, Alarm Type, Acknowledge State, Number of Alarms.
When the "AND" key is pressed, the first line changes to:
Cause, Number of Alarms.
If the Display cause by default option is enabled, the first line is shown as: