Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Network Programming
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 11-17
3. Remote ACK : Yes/No
If enabled, this allows alarms in the local FFCIF alarm list to be acknowledged by commands
from remote network devices. If disabled, then any alarm which is entered into the local
FFCIF alarm list must be acknowledged locally - this applies to both alarms generated by
local zones and alarms which come from remote devices. If acceptance of remote
acknowledgements is disabled (i.e. all alarms must be acknowledged locally), FFCIF
commands, (or zone commands), to reset or isolate will still be accepted and a reset or
isolate performed but the alarm will not be taken out of the local FFCIF alarm list until it has
been acknowledged locally. The remote ack acceptance parameter here affects only
commands coming from network devices and does not affect commands coming from local
RZDU devices. Acceptance of acknowledgement from local RZDU devices can be enabled
or disabled with a separate parameter described in section 6.4.4 (FFCIF mode).
Options under FFCIF2
1.TX iso/reset cmds
If enabled this allows this panel to send FFCIF reset or FFCIF isolate commands to remote
panels. The local FFCIF alarm list may contain alarms which were generated by alarms on
local zones or alarms which originated from remote network devices. When an FFCIF reset
or isolate command is initiated, (by pressing RESET or ISOLATE keys when in FFCIF
mode), all acknowledged local alarms will always be reset or isolated but for acknowledged
alarms which originated from remote network devices, a reset or isolate command will be
sent to the remote network device only if this parameter is enabled.
2.TX ack cmds
If enabled this allows this panel to send FFCIF acknowledge commands to remote network
panels to acknowledge alarms which originated from remote panels.
When an FFCIF alarm is being displayed it can be acknowledged by pressing the ACK key.
If the alarm originated locally, then the word "ACKD" will appear on the display and an
"acknowledge indication" will be sent on the network and also sent to local RZDU devices. If
the alarm originated from a remote network device then the word "ACKD" will appear on the
display, (i.e. it will be flagged as acknowledged), and if the "TX ack cmds" parameter here is
enabled then an acknowledge command will be transmitted onto the network to the device
which originated the alarm.