94 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
4. Go to Directory Security > Authentication and access control and make sure that
Integrated Windows authentication is checked on the following window.
Using Single Sign-On
T To use single-sign-on (and avoid username/password prompts), you must do one of the
• Access the Portal Server by the alphabetical name (for example http://yourserver).
• Access the Portal Server by the IP address in which case you must also add the Portal
Server to the
Local Intranet Zone (Internet Options > Security > Sites). This setting can be
pushed company-wide by an administrator using security policies.
• Change Internet Explorer's default settings to allow
Automatic logon with current
username and password
(Go to Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > User
Using LDAP with SSL
Installing the Root Certificate
If the LDAP server requires SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for encryption and authentication,
you will need to install the certificate locally on the ETV Portal Server as a Trusted Root
Certificate Authority
T To install the root certificate locally on the ETV Portal Server as Trusted Root
Certificate Authority
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. In the address bar type
https://LDAPSERVER:636 where LDAPSERVER is the address of the
LDAP Server associated with Certificate Authority (See Resolving Other Security Alerts
on page 96) and
636 is the SSL port used to authenticate with the LDAP Server.
3. When Internet Explorer displays a Security Alert dialog (Internet Explorer 6) or
certificate error screens (Internet Explorer 7), click
View Certificate.
4. A Certificate window will open, click on the
Certificate Path tab.