Users and User Groups
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 105
ETV Portal Server – The ETV Portal Server needs to be properly setup and configured on
the network. The following items should be configured in the Portal Server interface:
• If there is a VOD server(s) in the system, the proper addresses for these servers need
to be entered into the Portal Server Administrative pages and connectivity to those
servers should be ensured.
• The folder structure on the VOD server should be defined (even if there is no
content in these folders) as folders are how the Access Control functionality
provides access to end users to view VOD content, publish content, and record
content. When setting up the folder structure, the Administrator should be thinking
about how they plan to provide access to different groups of users. For example, if a
corporation wanted to provide certain content to the Engineering group and certain
content to the Marketing group, then they would want to set up an Engineering
folder and a Marketing folder on their VOD server.
• If there are live streams on the network, then those streams should be provided a
channel number if the Administrator wants to provide access to live streams via
channel number.
• If security is a concern, SSL should be turned on between clients and the ETV Portal
Server server. This allows User Names and Passwords to be encrypted between the
client and the server. See the section Configuring for SSL
on page 119 for
instructions on how to configure this.
VBrick – If there are VBricks in the network, they are auto-discovered but still need to be
added to the Portal Server database.
VOD Server – If there are VOD servers in the network, again they need to have connectivity
to the Portal Server and the folder structure needs to be configured.
IP Receivers – If there are IPRs to be deployed in the system, they should be configured
with a Host Name, and should be configured to point to the ETV Portal Server.
Additionally, if an LDAP server is going to be used to authenticate users, then the
administrator should know the address of the server, the group structures on the LDAP
server, and the Context (if the server is not Microsoft's Active Directory).
2. Choose an Authentication Method
Select one of the following methods:
Both methods can be used simultaneously. If LDAP authentication is enabled, the ETV
Portal Server will attempt to authenticate against the LDAP server first, and if this is
unsuccessful, will attempt to authenticate against the local ETV Portal Server User Database.
Note In order to scan the Groups available in Microsoft's Active Directory, in Windows
Explorer, go to
Tools > Folder Options. On the General tab, make sure that the Show
common tasks in folders
is selected. Then go to Start > My Network Places and select
Network Tasks > Search Active Directory.
VBrick Database The native ETV Portal Server user database provides local
authentication for users and administrators.
LDAP Database Enables the ETV Portal Server to authenticate against, and retrieve
user and group data from, an existing LDAP server.