
NXG-to-VOD-W Content Migration
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 175
Recovering from Migration Errors
Migration errors are shown in the Status column. Once started, the migration will continue
until each ingestion reports either success or failure. If you stop the migration, all queued
ingestions are removed (click yes on the popup) from the Portal Server and you can correct
the errors and restart the migration when ready.
If you ignore the popup window (click no on the popup), you will have to either remove
queued ingestions manually from the Portal Server or wait until all ingestions are complete
with either failure or success. Then you can fix the errors and restart. You may see duplicate
asset file errors in the migration
Status column. These errors indicate that the asset already
exists on VOD-W and the Portal Server and can be safely ignored.
Verifying the Migration
Use the Save to File (XML) option to create a status.xml file which lists the video files that
failed to ingest. If some files fail to ingest during migration, you can point to this file in the
Assets field and repeat the migration.
Filter Optional. Enter an alphabetic substring to search for matching files
and click
File Names Select the video files to be migrated from the complete list of files in
the asset list. Use
Check All, Uncheck All, or Delete Selected as
appropriate. Note that
Delete Selected works with selected (i.e.
highlighted) files and not checked files.
Start On Start date. Default = unchecked. The tool will migrate files every day
beginning at the specified hour.
From/To The migration will run during the specified time period.
Save to File This option saves a
status.xml file that shows migration results. If
some files fail to ingest during migration, you can point to this file in
Assets field and repeat the migration.
Comma – save the status file as comma separated values. This can
be displayed in a spreadsheet or an editor.
XML – save status file as an .xml file. This file is identical in
format to the asset list (see Sample Asset List
) and can be used to
repeat the migration.
Start/Stop Start a migration; stop a migration currently in progress. You may
want to stop the migration and correct a problem if multiple failures
are shown in the Status column. See Recovering from Migration
Errors below.