
VISORNET - Installation
Doc. DM245-I
Rev. 7.0
I - 3. Significance of the LEDs
Figure 1.16. Front Panel
Device on switch. This lights up when connected to the power source.
Device Operation:
OFF: System stopped.
RED: ERROR: Incorrect operation of some component.
YELLOW: Invalid configuration.
GREEN: System initialized and operating.
Ethernet LAN Port:
OFF: Interface is not available.
RED: ERROR: Interface is unavailable due to not being enabled or failing test.
YELLOW: In process of initializing the interface.
GREEN: Interface available. Blinking: maintenance frame.
WAN expansion
Serial interface (FR, PPP, SDLC)
OFF: Port has not initialized.
RED: Depends on the type of serial interface: ERROR: Errors at a physical level or call
in progress.
YELLOW Depends on the type of interface: interfaz in initialization process or link
established, without sending data.
GREEN: Communication established.
Expansion RDSI:
ISDN interface Channel B1:
OFF: Physical level is not available, either due to ISDN switchboard cost savings or
because the cable is not connected to the device.
RED: ERROR: Errors in the line (physical level) or call in progress.
YELLOW: Physical level established.
GREEN: Call established through Channel B1 (network B1 channel).
Intermittent green off: Switch channel.
Intermittent green yellow: Permanent channel.
Security Alarms:
OFF: There are no alarms pending transmission to the center.
RED: ERROR: An error has occurred when trying to send an alarm to the center.
YELLOW: In process of establishing communication with the center in order to transmit an
GREEN: Transmitting an alarm to the center.
1, 2, 3 and 4
Video inputs:
OFF: Video input is inactive.
RED: ERROR: Input is inactive but without camera signal or with a defective signal.
YELLOW: In initializing process.
GREEN: Input is active with video signal detected.