VISORNET – Appendix
Doc. DM245-I
Rev. 7.0
Figure 2.2. Aspect of the button bar where there is device stacking
On pressing the UPLOAD button, a “Scanning the equipments...”, message will
appear in the header field. This indicates that the master device is locating its slave
devices in order to initiate the updating process. Once the search has been completed,
the following message appears “Equipments to be uploaded” together with a form as
shown in the following figure:
Figure 2.3. Software version updating formula
To update the BIOS, press the BIOS button. The message in the header field changes
to “Uploading the BIOS...” indicating that the updating process is executing. Once
this has ended, the aspect of the form changes. A list of the correctly updated devices
appears (in green) together with those devices which could not be adequately
Figure 2.4. List of updated devices