Chapter 5 317
One-Button Measurement Functions
MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions
MEAS:HARM:AMPL2 returns the amplitude of the second harmonic
measured in dBc from the fundamental.
READ:HARM:FREQ10 returns the frequency of the tenth harmonic in Hz.
n=2 to 10
(n=1 for n
Returns the frequency of the specified
harmonic number N (in Hz).
N/A Returns the frequency of the fundamental,
measured in Hz.
n=1 to 2
(n=1 for n
These commands return the power of the
spurious emissions at the selected harmonic
frequencies of the current channel frequency
using the selected resolution bandwidth
filter. You can set the number of harmonics
to be measured. For each harmonic, the
reference level is set 40 dB above the largest
amplitude limit with input attenuation held
constant. The attenuation is set to limit the
carrier (fundamental) power at the spectrum
analyzer input mixer to the value
determined by
Max Mixer Lvl.
not specified or n=1
Returns one value that corresponds to the
total harmonic distortion (RMS
voltage %).
Returns one value that corresponds to the
total harmonic distortion (dB).
Measurement Results Available
Command n Results Returned