Apple II Original ROM Information
27 June 2004
The 6502 Firmware Page
This site is mostly about the firmware -- software in ROM -- that came with the
original Apple II, not the II+, IIe, IIc, or IIgs. The original Apple II had 4K of
RAM and 8K of ROM. The ROM contains software, such as the Monitor and Integer
BASIC, appropriate for a SBC.
Red Book refers to the original Apple II Reference Manual dated 1978.
WOZPAK refers to the WOZPAK II, a publication by Call-A.P.P.L.E., an Apple II user
DDJ refers to Dr. Dobbs Journal, a computer magazine.
IA refers to Interface Age, a publication of the SCCS (Southern California
Computer Society).
SYM and AIM refer to early 6502 single board computers.
* Apple II ROM (12 KB binary)
* Memory map of the Apple II ROMs
* Summary of Monitor Commands
* Red Book Monitor listing
* Red Book Sweet-16 listing
* WOZPAK Sweet-16 article by Steve Wozniak
* WOZPAK Sweet-16 article by Dick Sedgewick
* Red Book Mini-Assembler listing
* Red Book Floating point listing
* WOZPAK Floating point routines description
* DDJ Floating point article
* IA Floating point article
* SYM Monitor listing
* AIM Monitor listing
* AIM BASIC Language Reference Manual
Questions or comments? Email me at
* 2000-09-01 -- Added AIM BASIC Language Reference Manual