14 34 A0 SET R4 $A034 ;Init pointers
15 22 90 SET R5 $9022
84 POP @R4 ;Move byte from
95 STP @R5 ;$A033 to $9021
84 POP @R4 ;Move byte from
95 STP @R5 ;$A032 to $9020
ADD Rn [ An ]
The contents of Rn are added to the contents of ACC (R0),
and the low-order 16 bits of the sum restored in ACC. the
17th sum bit becomes the carry and the other branch
conditions reflect the final ACC contents.
10 34 76 SET R0 $7634 ;Init R0 (ACC) and R1
11 27 42 SET R1 $4227
A1 ADD R1 ;Add R1 (sum=B85B, C clear)
A0 ADD R0 ;Double ACC (R0) to $70B6
;with carry set.
SUB Rn [ Bn ]
The contents of Rn are subtracted from the ACC contents by
performing a two's complement addition:
ACC = ACC + Rn + 1
The low order 16 bits of the subtraction are restored in the
ACC, the 17th sum bit becomes the carry and other branch
conditions reflect the final ACC contents. If the 16-bit
unsigned ACC contents are greater than or equal to the 16-bit
unsigned Rn contents, then the carry is set, otherwise it is
cleared. Rn is not disturbed.
10 34 76 SET R0 $7634 ;Init R0 (ACC)
11 27 42 SET R1 $4227 ;and R1
B1 SUB R1 ;subtract R1
;(diff=$340D with c set)
B0 SUB R0 ;clears ACC. (R0)
POPD @Rn [ Cn ]
Rn is decremented by 1 and the high-order ACC byte is loaded