1 689 989 072 2010-04-06| Robert Bosch LLC
18 | KTS 340 | Technical dataen
7.4.4 Current measurement (CH1 and CH2)
Sensor Measuring range
Shunt (CH1 only) ±600 mA
30 A clamp (CH1 only) ±30 A
100 A clamp ±100 A
600 A clamp ±600 A
1000 A clamp (CH1 only) ±1000 A
7.4.5 Continuity tester (CH1)
Property Value/Range
Measurement current 2 mA
No-load voltage ≤ 5 V
Continuity < 10 (with acoustic check-back)
7.4.6 Diode measurement (CH1)
Property Value/Range
Measurement current 2 mA
No-load voltage ≤ 5 V
Maximum diode voltage 2 V
7.5 WLAN
Standard: IEEE 802.11g (54 Mbit/s), compatible with
IEEE 802.11b (11 Mbit/s), data encryption: OPEN, WPA,
WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, WEP (64/128/256 bits),
antenna: -3dBi.
Radio link
KTS 340 to PC/laptop
Minimum range
Workshop environment with clear view
of access point
30 meters
In vehicle interior with vehicle door or
window open and engine running
10 meters
The range of the WLAN varies considerably.
20–40 m can normally be achieved indoors and up to
100 m outdoors.
Under adverse conditions the effective range may only
be 10–15 m or even less.
The KTS 340 automatically adapts the transmission
rate in the WLAN to the transmission conditions. In the
event of a poor radio link the data are transmitted
more slowly than with a good link.