100% Argon shielding gas is connected
to the torch at a regulated rate of 15 -
30 cubic feet per hour (cfh.) If you have
too little gas, you will see porosity of
your weld. Too much flow is just a
waste of gas.
Filler metal is applied to the TIG weld
by hand feeding as is done with oxy-
acetylene (flame power) welding. The
filler metal must match the material
you are welding. For welding mild
steel, use an un-coated steel rod such
as Welco W-1200, AWS A5.2-69, class
RG60, or E70S-6 MIG wire. The
diameter of the filler metal is based on
the thickness of the material being
welded (See chart).
Tungsten Electrodes come in a variety
of compositions and sizes. Since the
Arcitech 110 welder with WT6100 torch
is a DC TIG welder, you should use only
2% Thoriated tungsten electrodes.
These electrodes have a red
identification mark. The diameter of
the electrode is determined by the
thickness of the material being welded.
(See chart).
Before installing the Tungsten
Electrode you must grind a point on
the welding end of the electrode. A
point of 15 - 30 degrees is desired. It is
important to grind the point with
grinding marks running lengthwise as
opposed to running the direction of
the diameter.
Operating Instructions
GTAW Arc Welding Torch
voltage and amperage. Follow the
specifications on the welder front
● The receptacle used for the welder
must be properly grounded and the
welder must be the only load on the
power supply circuit.
The Components of TIG
Welding (not included with
your WT6100 TIG torch) are:
1. A constant current power supply
such as the Arcitech 110 inverter
technology arc welder.
2. A bottle of 100% Argon Shielding
3. An Argon regulator with proper
connections from the regulator to
the TIG torch.
4. Filler metal
5. Proper safety equipment such as a
welding helmet and gloves.
Set Up:
Torch connection to power supply - The
WT6100 torch comes with a quick
connect Dinse plug that is plugged in
to the NEGATIVE (-) receptacle on the
power supply.
The Work clamp is plugged in to the
POSITIVE (+) receptacle of the power
A beginning heat output amp setting is
selected based on the thickness of the
steel to be welded (See chart below).
Install the Tungsten Electrode in the
torch by hand tightening the collet
body first, and then the back cap.
Install the electrode so that the pointed
end sticks out past the nozzle about
Steel Thickness Tungsten Electrode Diameter Filler Wire Diameter DC Amp
Inches Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters Setting
.020" - .040" .020" 0.5 1/16" 1.6 2 - 20
.040" - 1/16" .040" 1 1/16" 1.6 10 - 75
1/16" - 1/8" 1/16" 1.6 1/16" 1.6 60 - 150
1/8" - 3/16" 5/64" 2 3/32" 2.4 100 - 200
3/16" - 1/4" 3/32" 2.4 1/8" 3.2 170 - 250
TIG Consumable Selection Chart
Figure 4 - Tungsten should stick out
Figure 5- Install Back Cap