The batterypack for this light is equipped with nickel-
cadmiumrechargeable batteries.Length of servicefrom
each chargingwilldepend how much the lightIsused.
The batteries Inthe battery pack have been designed to
provide maximum trouble free life. However, like all
batteries, they will eventually wear out. Do not
disassemble battery pack and attempt to replace the
batteries. Handling of these batteries, especiallywhen
wearing rings and jewelry, could result in a serious bum.
To obtain the longest possible battery life,we suggestthe
• Store and charge the battery pack Ina cool area.
Temperatures below 50°F or above 100° Fwill
shorten battery life.
• Never store battery pack in a discharged condition.
Recharge battery immediately when it becomes
• All batteries gradually lose their charge. The higher
the temperature the quicker they losetheircharge. If
you store your lightfor long periodsof time without
usingit, recharge the batteriesevery monthor two.
This practicewillprolongbatterylife.
To preservenaturalresources,please
recycleordisposeof batteries propeW.
batteries, Local, state or federal laws
may prohibitdisposalof nick:el-cadmium
batteries in ordinarytrash.
Consultyour local waste authorityfor Information
regardingavailable recyclingand/ordisposaloptions.
_k WARNING: Upon removal, coverthe battery pack's
terminals with heavydutyadhesive tape. Do not
attemptto destroyor disassemble batterypackor
removeany of its components. Nickel-cadmium
batteriesmustbe recycledor disposedofproperly.
Also, never touch both terminalswith metalobjects
and/or bodypairsas shortclrouitmay result.Keep
away fromchildren. Failureto comply with these
warningscan resultinfire and/or seriousinjury,
A WARNING: Do not attempt to disassemblethe
battery pack. Fire or ln]urycan result.