Craftsman 315.27984 Sander User Manual

Rgure 10.
Unp[ugthe sander.
Remove screws(3)fl'om top coverof sander.
Remove top cover.
Remove clamp screws (2.).
Removebrushtube clamps(2).
Disconnectred and blacklead terminalsfl'om brush
Remove brushassemblies(2).
Check for wear. Replaceboth brushassemblieswhen
e(therhas tess than 1/4 in. length of carbon remaining.
Do not replace one side withoutreplacingthe other.
Installnew brushassemblies.Make sure curvature
of brushm_ches curvatureof motorand that brush
moves freely in brushtube.
Reassembleby reversingthe steps listedabove.
Tightenallscrews securely.Do not overtighten.
The following recommendedaccassodas arecurrentlyawitab_eat Searsretail stores:
AluminumOxide SheetsWith Paper Backing(1/4 Sheet)
X-Fine, Fine, Medium, Coarse
Presaure-sensitTveAdhesive,Paper Backed Sheets(1/4 Sheet)
X-Fine, Fine, Medium, Coarse
The FollowingStandard4-1/2 in.X 11 in.Sanding SheetsCan Be Cut To FitThe Sander
X-Fine, Fine,Medium, Coarse
A WARNING: Currentattanhments end accessoriesevailablafor use with this tsof are listedabove. Do not use any
attachmentsor accessoriesnot recommendedby the manufacturerofthistool. The use ofattachments oracces-
sor(esnot recommsnde_ can resultIn ser(ouspersona(injury.