Craftsman 315.27984 Sander User Manual

Some of the followingsymbolsmay be used on this tool. Please study them and learntheir meaning. Proper
interpretationof these symbolswillallow youto operate thetool batterand safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency(cyclesper second)
W Watt Power
rain Minutes "i3me
'%, AlternatingCurrent Type of current
,= DirectCurrent Typeor a chsracterLsticof current
no No LoadSpeed Rotationalspeed,at no load
_] ClassII Consb'uctJon Doub]e-]nsu)_tedconstruction
..Jm]n Per Minute Revolutions,strokes,surface speed, orb_setc., per minute
(_ Wet ConditionsAlert Do not exposeto rain or usein damp locations.
Read The Operator'sManual To reducethe risk of injury, usermustread and understand
operator'smanualbeforeusingthis product.
O Atwaysweer safety gogglesor safetyglasseswith aide
Eye Protection shieldsand a fun face shieldwhen operatingthis product.
A Safety Alert Precautionsthat involveyoursafety.
(_ Failureto keep yourhandsaway fromthe blade willresultin
No Hands Symbol seriouspersonalinjury.
(_) Failureto keep yourhands away horntheblade wil)result in
No HandsSymbol seriouspersonal injury.
O Failureto keepyour handsaway fromthe blade wi_resuttin
No Hands Symbol seriouspersonalinjury.
,/_ No Hands Symbol Faitureto keep yourhands away from the blade wil!resuttinseriouspersonalinjury.
_) Hot Sur/ace Toreduce theriskof _n[uryor damage, avoid contactwlthanyhot surface.