G0458 18" Open End Belt/Drum Sander
Figure 30. Table lift screws (only two shown).
Figure 28. Feed belt drive chain.
Sanding Belts
You can greatly increase the lifespan of your
sanding belts if you clean them often.
pads (
Accessories on Page 24) are the fastest
way to remove sawdust build-up.
Table Lift Mechanism: Lubricate the table lift
screws, chain, and helical gear with lithium grease
every six months. Clean the chain and table lift
(Figure 30), then rub lithium grease onto
the chain links and screw threads. Clean the heli
cal gear (Figure
31) and place a dab of grease on
the teeth. Move the table up or down to spread the
grease thoroughly throughout the mechanism.
Feed Belt Drive: Lubricate with lithium grease
monthly. Wipe sawdust and dirt impregnated
grease off of the chain and gears shown in
28 & 29. Apply fresh lithium grease to the
gears and chain.
Figure 29. Feed belt gears.
Figure 31. Helical gear.