Revision 03/05, Effective Date March 2, 2005
Revision 03/05, Effective Date March 2, 2005
Vacuum Base Gasket
Deep Drilling
When drilling holes that are longer than the core bit, follow the steps below.
1. Begin drilling the hole as usual. When you have drilled to the length of the bit,
retract the bit from the hole and turn off the motor and water as usual.
2. Break off the core by driving a chisel or slender wedge into the circular kerf.
Remove the core using core tongs, bent music wire or anchor bolts.
3. After removing the core, insert the bit carefully into the hole, attach a bit
extension to the bit and core drill rig, then continue drilling as usual.
Periodic maintenance, including cleaning, lubrication and inspection for wear
and damage are routine servicing procedures. Following the procedures as
outlined can prevent serious damage or malfunctioning of the machine, and aid
in preserving the useful life of core drill bits.
Before performing any maintenance to the MK-Manta I, always unplug the unit
from the electrical power source. Be sure the On-Off switches are in the Off
position, after servicing, and before plugging the unit back in.
Clean the machine after use, being careful to remove dust and slurry from the
motor, vents, carraige and column. Keep tool handles clean, dry and free of oil
and grease. Use only mild soap and a damp cloth to clean this tool since certain
cleaning agents and solvents are harmful to plastics and other insulated parts.
Never use flammable or combustible solvents around tools.
Through normal use, the rubber gasket on the underside of the vacuum base
can become worn, requiring replacement. Periodically check the gasket for
wear. If replacement is required, clean the groove in the base before installing a
new gasket.