
Figure 46 Script Configuration Page
Creating a Connection
You can create a script from any other text editor of your choice and copy and
paste the script directly into the Script Configuration text box. Or you may use the
buttons located along the left side of the script window to guide you through the
scripting process.
Connection Script Command Syntax
The following section explains the valid script command syntax.
The Begin command (begin) initiates the script. The first line of the script must
start with
The Delay command (delay second) designates a length of time to wait before
sending the next command in the script. The acceptable values are between
1-60 seconds.
The SetPort command (setport databit, parity, stopbit) allows you to
match the script to the communication port settings of the remote server. The
valid databit is
8 or 7. The valid parity is none, even, or odd. The valid stopbit is
1 or 2.
The Transmit command (transmit “text string”) sends a text string to the
remote server. An example of a transmit string might be your account
username or password. This text must be included between the quotation
marks. A carriage return is simulated by the characters
^M within the quotation
marks. The maximum length for this string is 64 characters.
The WaitFor command (waitfor “string, second”) allows you to designate in
the script to wait before proceeding. An example of text that you might wait
for is the string
Username, for which you would send your username as a reply.
If the timeout period elapses before a matching string is received, the script