Administrative Tasks
4-22 Normal Operations 601354 Rev A
Intransit Media
In some cases, a medium may be moved to another archive
because of a Mount Media command. Any medium that is
ejected from the source archive by the AO, but not entered into
the target archive, is placed in the intransit state. This state
indicates that media are known by VolServ software and are
destined for entry into an archive, but are not actually resident
in an archive.
Lock a Drive
The Lock Drive command is used to reserve a drive, a list of
drives, or a drive pool for exclusive use. Locking a drive
prevents its allocation by any Mount Media command that does
not provide a lock identifier. The lock identifier is contained in
the return status for a Lock Drive command.
When reserved drives are no longer needed, the client issues an
Unlock Drive command. The SA or SO may also issue an
Unlock Drive command to free the drive.
For detailed information about this command, refer to the
VSCMD_Lock command in the MSTM-V21-010 API
Programmer’s Guide.
Unlock a Drive
Only a client can issue a Lock Drive command via the API.
Refer to “Lock a Drive” on page 4-22. The Unlock Drive
command is used to clear a locked drive so that it can be
allocated to another mount.
The unlock drive parameters are the unlock drive identifier and
priority. The priority is used to determine the command location
in VolServ command queue.
Vary Drive
At times it is necessary to make a drive unavailable for use. The
Vary Drive command is used to disable a drive.