Administrative Tasks
601354 Rev A Getting Started 1-3
Getting Started
After VolServ is installed, the VolServ System Administrator
(SA) configures the VolServ environment to control Command
Line Interface (CLI), Application Program Interface (API), and
Graphical User Interface (GUI) access to the VolServ system.
The following sections provide a recommended plan for
controlling access to specific VolServ software commands.
Access Control
The commands available to any application via CLI or API are
controlled by the command.config file, which is located in
the directory $VS_DIR/config. There are entries in the
command.config file for each command available over the
CLI or API. The SA can control access to individual commands
by editing the command.config file and commenting out the
command not authorized. Individual commands can also be
disallowed by using the GUI Client Commands window. Refer
to the Using the VolServ GUI or the appropriate VolServ
software manual.
A client application is a hardware/software package performing
data management service for the user or as an intermediary to
other client programs. Although the CLI may be used, client
applications primarily interact with VolServ through the API.
Each client application generates volume server requests
through the API for selected VolServ software commands.