
Administrative Tasks
4-28 Normal Operations 601354 Rev A
Receiving archive media class capacity - Fill level = Amount of media that can be
In the last three cases, the DataTower moves excess media to its
Eject port.
Unsolicited Enter of
Unknown Media
The DataTower archive supports the unsolicited media enter
operation. An unsolicited media enter operation is performed
without VolServ system GUI interaction.
During an unsolicited media enter operation, media are placed
in the DataTower load port, followed by pushing a button above
the load port. The archive robot reads the media labels and
sends the media identifiers to VolServ. If any of the media in
the load port are shown as checked-out by VolServ, the setting
of the auto check-in parameter determines the action taken by
Vo l S e r v.
If media to be entered are not labeled, the Reprint Media Label
command can be used to print individual barcode labels or
smaller, human-readable-only paper labels. Refer to “Reprint a
Media Label” on page 4-37 for more information.
There are four prerequisites for using this method:
Each medium must have a barcode label affixed to it. The
Reprint Media Label command can be used to print
individual barcode labels. Refer to “Reprint a Media Label”
on page 4-37 for more information.
If media action modes are set for migrate, media migration can
occur if an unsolicited enter results in fill levels exceeding the
media type or archive media class high marks.