Administrative Tasks
3-6 Initial Configuration 601354 Rev A
The Move Media and Mount Media associated commands
provide an override parameter that allows the user to prevent
the failing of the command when the Archive Mode unattended
option is selected. When this override parameter is specified,
media movement requiring human intervention is queued until
a human completes the media movement request.
Media Type VolServ supports both system-defined (default) and
user-defined media types. The system-defined media types, and
the archives supported by the system-defined media types, are
discussed in the VolServ Overview book. User-defined media
types are not supported in automated archives.
After the supported media type is specified, capacity is
automatically calculated. Media type specific information is
entered next. This information includes action mode, low mark,
high mark, auto check-in, and auto import.
Capacity The capacity of an automated archive is automatically
calculated for each supported media type by VolServ.
Action Mode The action mode parameter specifies what action, if any,
VolServ initiates when the number of media of the specified
media type reaches the calculated high mark threshold or drops
to the calculated low mark threshold. There are three action
mode settings: none, notify, and migrate.