
attempt from master MMM
The master named MMM (probably an IP address) contacted the slave but
MMM is not the master that was listed on the MASTER configuration
directive in /etc/apcupsd.conf, and consequently, it is not authorized to
communicate with the slave. Please check that your MASTER and SLAVE
names in your slave and master configuration files respectively are correct.
failure from socket
The slave got an error reading the socket open to the master. This indicates
a fundamental networking problem.
APC magic from master: MMM
The slave received a code key from the master that does not correspond to
the one expected by the slave. The most common cause of this problem is
that you are running a different version of apcupsd on the master and the
slave. Please ensure that you are running the same version of apcupsd on
all your master and slaves.
user magic from master: MMM
This message indicates that the master and slave have previously communi-
cated, but that the code key transmitted with the most recent message from
the master does not correspond to what the slave expects. This problem is
probably due to a network error or some other user or machine contacting
the slave on the network port.
Master/Slave Connection Not Working:
Master/slave problems are usually related to one of the following items:
1. Improper apcupsd.conf files. A good starting point are the mas-
ter/slave example files in the examples subdirectory of the source.
2. Master or slave IP address or name incorrect. Try ping’ing each ma-
chine from the other using the names or addresses that you have put
in the respective apcupsd.conf files.
3. Make sure no other program is using socket number 6666 or change
the NETPORT directive in both apcupsd.conf files.
4. Make sure you are using the same version of apcupsd on both the
master and slave machines.