
The output should look something like the following:
apcaccess eeprom
Valid EPROM values for the SMART-UPS 1000
Config Current Permitted
Description Directive Value Values
Upper transfer voltage HITRANSFER 253 253 264 271 280
Lower transfer voltage LOTRANSFER 196 196 188 208 204
Return threshold RETURNCHARGE 0 00 15 50 90
Output voltage on batts OUTPUTVOLTS 230 230 240 220 225
Low battery warning LOWBATT 2 02 05 07 10
Shutdown grace delay SLEEP 20 020 180 300 600
Alarm delay BEEPSTATE 0 0 T L N
Wakeup delay WAKEUP 0 000 060 180 300
Self test interval SELFTEST 336 336 168 ON OFF
The line of interest for you is the Shutdown grace delay, which can be
changed using the SLEEP (see SLEEP <set sleep delay>) directive in your
apcupsd.conf file. The default value is 20 seconds, but generally, you can
set it to 180, 300, or 600 seconds depending on your UPS. See the EEPROM
(see Configuring Your EEPROM) this manual for further details on how to
change this EPROM value.
If you use the --kill-on-powerfail option, you run the risk of having the
computer power cut before the system has shutdown. Even if the grace
period is rather long, if something goes wrong in the shutdown, well, it is
up to you to decide.
If apcupsd has successfully shutdown your computer and powered off the
UPS during a power outage, you can control whether or not your computer
is automatically rebooted when the power returns.
The UPS contains two internal EPROM values that determine when it will
restore power to your computer after a full power shutdown. They are the
batt charge level>)
percentage and the WAKEUP (see WAKEUP <set wakeup delay>) delay.
Briefly, the RETURNCHARGE specifies what percentage charge the bat-
tery must have before the power is restored. Higher values are recommended
in regions where the power goes up and down frequently. The WAKEUP
delay is a simple time delay. Most sites will have both of these at zero, or
perhaps the RETURNCHARGE set to 15. Please follow the links to the