charged, the plug icon will become a plug with a lightning bolt in the middle
to indicate that the battery is charging.
Installation Directory
The Win32 version of apcupsd must reside in the c:\apcupsd\ directory, and
there must be a c:\tmp directory on your machine. The installation will do
this automatically, and we recommend that you do not attempt to place
apcupsd in another directory. If you do so, you are on your own, and you
will need to do a rebuild of the source.
It would be hard to overemphasize the need to do a full testing of your
installation of apcupsd as there are a number of reasons why it may not
behave properly in a real power failure situation.
Please read Testing Apcupsd of this document for general instructions
on testing the Win32 version. However, on Win32 systems, there is
no Unix system log file, so if something goes wrong, look in the file
c:\apcupsd\etc\apcupsd\apcupsd.events where apcupsd normally logs its
events, and you will generally find more detailed information on why the
program is not working. The most common cause of problems is either im-
proper configuration of the cable type, or an incorrect address for the serial
On Win98 and Win95 systems, to upgrade to a new release, simply stop
apcupsd by using the tray icon and selecting the Close apcupsd menu
item, or by double clicking on the Stop icon located in the c:\apcupsd\bin
directory, then apply the upgrade and restart apcupsd.
On WinNT systems (and Win2000 systems), you may stop apcupsd as indi-
cated abover or alternatively you may stop apcupsd by using the Services
item in the Control Panel. In addition, at least on my system, there seems
to be a WinNT bug that causes the system to prevent apcupsd.exe from
being overwritten even though the file is no longer being used. This is man-
ifested by an error message when attempting load a new version and over-
write the old apcupsd.exe (the extract part of WinZip as described above).
To circumvent this problem (if it happens to you), after shutting down the