
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT=“Windows NT Work-
station Version 4.00”
and add the following to the end of the line: /NoSerialMice:COM1 (or
COM2 depending on what you want to use). The new line should look
similar to:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT=“Windows NT Work-
station Version 4.00” /NoSerialMice:COM1
where the only thing you have changed is to append to the end of the
line. This addition will prevent the operating system from interferring
with apcupsd
Then return to c:\apcupsd and open on the bin folder so that you see
its contents.
To do the final step of installation, double click on the setup.bat pro-
gram. This script will setup the appropriate mount points for the
directories that apcupsd uses, it will install apcupsd in the system
registry, and on Windows 98, it will start apcupsd running.
If everything went well, you will get something similar to the following
output in a DOS shell window: