2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
5-102 T
Guide to the Counters for Periodically Replaced Parts and Durables
The machine is equipped with counters for periodically replaced parts and durables
(DRBL-1/DRBL-2) so as to provide an idea of when to replace the parts.
A small-size sheet increments the counter reading by ‘1’, while a large-size sheet incre-
ments the count by ‘2’.
TR-ROOL / 00000201 / 00240000 / 0% !! 000082
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
[1] indicates the name of the part; in the case of the example, the transfer charging roller.
[2] indicates the counter reading (actual number of sheets; be sure to clear the reading after
replacing the part).
[3] indicates the limit (number of sheets before replacement); to change, select the item, and
enter a number using the keypad, and then press the OK key.
[4] indicates the relationship between the counter reading and the limit.
[5] indicates a single exclamation mark (!) for a ratio between 90% and 100%, two marks
for 100% and higher; in the case of the example, no indication is made.
[6] indicates the number of days to the estimated time of replacement; the example shows
82 days.
List of COUNTER Items
Level 1: COUNETR Mode description
Level 2: TOTAL
Level 3: SERVICE1 total counter 1 for service
SERVICE2 total counter 2 for service
COPY copy counter
PDL-PRT PDL print counter
FAX-PRT fax received file print counter
RMT-PRT remote copy/print counter
BOX-PRT Box print counter
RPT-PRT repro print counter
2-SIDE double-sided print counter
SCAN scan counter