2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
7-1 T
1 Upgrading
1.1 Outline
The machine is upgraded either by downloading data from a PC or by replacing its
The following five items are upgraded by downloading from a PC:
• BOOT ROM (machine J1009 DIMM ROM)
• HD Format (machine HDD; formatting)
• Language (machine HDD)
• RUI (machine HDD)
• System (machine HDD)
• DADF-H1 (CPU; Use the downloader PCB) See 1.6 Downloader PCB
• Finisher-J1 (CPU; Use the downloader PCB) See 1.6 Downloader PCB
As indicated, the language module may also be downloaded.
The machine may be connected to a network when downloading data from a PC.
For instructions on upgrading by means of replacing the DIMM/ROM, see 1.7 “Upgrad-
ing by Replacing the DIMM/ROM.”
1.1.1 Download Mode
The machine provides two types of download modes; although any of the two may be
used to download all files, select with care if you want to format the hard disk (select the
HD Format), as a specific partition must be selected.
You can use any of the two when using a parallel cable; however, the use of a network
cable will require you to start up the machine’s network environment, necessitating the use
of downloading in service mode.
• Downloading in Download Mode
To start download mode,
1) While holding down ‘2’ and ‘8’ on the keypad at the same time, turn on the power
2) Hold down ‘2’ and ‘8’ on the keypad until the bottom of the touch panel indicates the
message “Download Mode.”
Partition Available for Formatting the Hard Disk