Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols
SMTP and Extended SMTP Inspection
Action—Shows the action if the match condition is met.
Log—Shows the log state.
Add—Opens the Add ESMTP Inspect dialog box to add an ESMTP inspection.
Edit—Opens the Edit ESMTP Inspect dialog box to edit an ESMTP inspection.
Delete—Deletes an ESMTP inspection.
Move Up—Moves an inspection up in the list.
Move Down—Moves an inspection down in the list.
Add/Edit ESMTP Inspect
The Add/Edit ESMTP Inspect dialog box is accessible as follows:
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > ESMTP > ESMTP Inspect Map > Advanced
View > Add/Edit ESMTP Inspect
The Add/Edit ESMTP Inspect dialog box lets you define the match criterion and value for the ESMTP
inspect map.
• Match Type—Specifies whether traffic should match or not match the values.
For example, if No Match is selected on the string “example.com,” then any traffic that contains
“example.com” is excluded from the class map.
• Criterion—Specifies which criterion of ESMTP traffic to match.
Body Length—Match body length at specified length in bytes.
Body Line Length—Match body line length matching at specified length in bytes.
Commands—Match commands exchanged in the ESMTP protocol.
Command Recipient Count—Match command recipient count greater than number specified.
Command Line Length—Match command line length greater than length specified in bytes.
EHLO Reply Parameters—Match an ESMTP ehlo reply parameter.
Header Length—Match header length at length specified in bytes.
Header To Fields Count—Match header To fields count greater than number specified.
Invalid Recipients Count—Match invalid recipients count greater than number specified.
MIME File Type—Match MIME file type.
MIME Filename Length—Match MIME filename.
MIME Encoding—Match MIME encoding.
Sender Address—Match sender email address.
Sender Address Length—Match sender email address length.
• Body Length Criterion Values—Specifies the value details for body length match.
Greater Than Length—Body length in bytes.
Action—Reset, drop connection, log.
Log—Enable or disable.