Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 32 Configuring the ASA CSC Module
Troubleshooting the CSC Module
Reloading or Resetting the Module
To reload or reset the module, enter one of the following commands at the ASA CLI.
Detailed Steps
Shutting Down the Module
If you restart the ASA, the module is not automatically restarted. To shut down the module, perform the
following steps at the ASA CLI.
Detailed Steps
Command Purpose
hw-module module 1 reload
ciscoasa# hw-module module 1 reload
Reloads the module software.
hw-module module 1 reset
ciscoasa# hw-module module 1 reset
Performs a reset, then reloads the module.
Command Purpose
hw-module module 1 shutdown
ciscoasa# hw-module module 1 shutdown
Shuts down the module.