Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 32 Configuring the ASA CSC Module
Troubleshooting the CSC Module
• Resetting the Password, page 32-29
• Reloading or Resetting the Module, page 32-30
• Shutting Down the Module, page 32-30
Note This section covers all ASA module types; follow the steps appropriate for your module.
Installing an Image on the Module
If the module suffers a failure, and the module application image cannot run, you can reinstall a new
image on the module from a TFTP server.
Note Do not use the upgrade command within the module software to install the image.
Be sure the TFTP server that you specify can transfer files up to 60 MB in size.
Note This process can take approximately 15 minutes to complete, depending on your network and the size
of the image.
Detailed Steps
Command Purpose
Step 1
hw-module module 1 recover configure
ciscoasa# hw-module module 1 recover
Image URL [tftp://]:
Port IP Address []:
Port Mask []:
Gateway IP Address []:
VLAN ID [0]: 100
Specifies the location of the new image. This command prompts
you for the URL for the TFTP server, the management interface
IP address and netmask, gateway address, and VLAN ID (ASA
5505 only). These network parameters are configured in
ROMMON; the network parameters you configured in the module
application configuration are not available to ROMMON, so you
must set them separately here.
You can view the recovery configuration using the show module
1 recover command.
In multiple context mode, enter this command in the system
execution space.